
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019


Hi. Today I am talk about my favourite technological article.  Pencil, I use this article in every times to create o learning and I had been carried this article since 1999, when I was one year I was discovering the world and mi abilities. I use this article so much hours on the week and every day.  I like because is an instrument to creation to translate into reality the first sketches of ideas, is the intellectual objet around the word. Is this article doesn’t exist How will we shape our ideas? rock and a stake. The word and de society would be so deferent the way to learn, create ore explain. The basis for development, all Social constructions would be constructed to different forms. every object created by man is technology in this case an object to creation and development.

My biography

HI, my name is Isidora Casanova. I was born on July 2, 1998, in Santiago Chile. My parents are Pablo and Cecilia, and I have two sisters. My first home was in La Florida. I lived with my grandma and my parents. They took care of me so much. I coudn´t play outdoor because my family didn’t allow me to play with dirt. but I didn’t care because my grandma was entertaining and used to cook with me. I loved her. Later, when I was 5 years old, my mother put me on the kinder garden and I hated that. I cried, but my grandma picked me up, and then we ate ice cream. But, when I was 6, my parents and I moved to another neighbourhood, Puente alto. I went to school, and made so many friends. I went to many workshops such as cheerleaders, Athletics, circus curses, theater, dance and others. my adolescence was very calm. Sometimes I have my rebellious episodes like a put a pircing “industrial” and my parents was so annoying but later I worried about my studies, I became more responsible. Now I on ...